Due to recent weather impacts, our Sisterhood Prayer Breakfast is rescheduled to Saturday, February 15, 2025, 9AM at the Savannah Civic Center. The Eventbrite ticket portal will not reopen. Please send ticket inquiries to savannahalumnaefinance@gmail.com.
Building Savings and Wealth starting January 8, 2025
With these upcoming workshops, you can learn about the financial foundation mindset and how to apply it learn the Wealth Formula and how it can help your financial planning understand the effects of time and inflation on your assets Click on the link to register: https://tinyurl.com/deltasavannahfinancialliteracy
Balanced Plates: A Three Day Journey for Mind, Body, and Nutrition
Join us January 9, January 16, and January 23 for a series on the importance of nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. Each session dives into practical ways to improve your health and well-being. Plus, exciting prizes will be raffled after every event! All workshops start at 7:13pm EST via Zoom. You can register by clicking […]
SAC Recognizes World AIDS Day 2024
Our chapter and the Hinesville Alumnae Chapter partnered with Union Mission to celebrate and advocate the importance of knowing your status and HIV/AIDS testing. . Candles were lit in memory of those we lost to HIV/AIDS. Thank you to everyone who participated and attended these events, and thank you to our International Awareness & Involvement and […]
Delta Fit
Please join us for Saturday morning fitness! The next date is Saturday, August 17. Also mark your calendars for the September date.
Apply for our 2024-2025 Youth Initiative Programs!
The deadline is August 30th to apply for Delta Academy (females ages 11-14), Delta GEMS (females ages 14-18, grades 9th-12th), and EMBODI (males ages 11-18). Please scan the QR code on the flyer to complete the application to join.
Empowerment Summer
The Empowerment Summer continues with community canvassing from July 20 (after the funeral) through Tuesday, July 23. Each tour spot is listed on the flyer. Mark your calendars and meet the tour for Voter Outreach! Be an informed voter – check your voter status at https://bit.ly/SM-LAC_CheckYourVoterStatus .
SAC at Regional Conference 2024
Savannah Alumnae Chapter attended the 49th Southern Regional Conference, which was held July 4 -7, 2024, in Nashville. We had over 60 sorors in attendance and over 20 who attended virtually! Way to show up Savannah Alumnae!
Fan Donation
Savannah Alumnae donated over 220 box fans to Senior Citizen Inc. to help seniors stay cool in this summer heat. This was their largest donation ever received and we couldn’t be more proud to provide!
7 Days of Advocacy 2024
Seven (7) Days of Advocacy: A Call to Action and Impact! We will not be BROKEN in our fight for the Rights that are slowly being taken away. All events are open to the public. Please join us!